Oct 14, 2013

About Me and Living in the Middle America


My name is Paulina, I'm a 29 year old, I'm Mexican, raised in a town called Cuernavaca (45 minutes away from Mexico City). I come from a small but very loving family. I have a bachelor degree in Hospitality Managment and specialize in Catering and Event Planning.

I just moved to St. Louis MO with my boyfriend (he is american), so I decided to share things I find curious about living here with not just my family but anyone else that has found or will find themselves in my situation, moving to the famous Middle America.

This blog represents my new experiences as I adventure to a new country, caught between being amazed of the great advantages of living here and missing Mexico. I'll try to share the best I can my impressions and the subtle cultural differences we have. Because even though my country and the US are so close to each other (TV, magazines, internet) little things remind me I'm living in another country.

The main goal is trying to help other people moving here to not feel lonely, I hope I can insert some humor and keep it fresh and friendly to everyone and at the same time share tips from my experience hoping you'll find them useful.

Please keep in mind that I'm just appreciating cultural differences and will never mean to say one country is "better" than the other.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do sharing!




Me llamo Paulina, tengo 29 años y soy mexicana, crecí en Cuernavaca, muy cerca de la Ciudad de México. Vengo de una familia chica pero muy amorosa. Tengo un título universitario en Administración Hotelera y me especializo en Banquetes y Planeación de Eventos.

Me mude recientemente a St. Louis, Missouri con mi novio (el es americano), así que he decidido compartir los detalles que encuentro curiosos de vivir aquí, no solo con mi familia pero con las personas que se encuentren en la misma situación, mudándose al famoso "Middle America".

La meta principal es ayudar a otras personas mudándose a no sentirse solas, espero poder insertar un poco de humor y mantener los temas frescos y amigables a todos al mismo tiempo de compartir tips de mi experiencia esperando los encuentren útiles.

Recuerden que el objetivo es apreciar diferencias culturales y nunca insinuaré que un país es "mejor" que el otro.

Espero lo disfruten tanto como yo compartirlo!


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